Saturday, November 9, 2019

Most Important Elements of Resignation Letter Format

All elements of a resignation letter are important. So let’s look at the next two elements that would feature on your resignation letter format.


The addressee of your resignation is usually a top manager at your company. You have to address your resignation to this senior manager only, unless otherwise specified on your appointment letter or contract.
You can send a copy to your immediate senior or department chief. But usually, resignations are sent directly to the main signatory authority of a company.
Because without their acceptance and clearance, processes related to your resignation will not move forward.

A subject for Resignation Letter

The most common and obvious subject of the letter that most people write is ‘Resignation Letter’. Fine. It serves the purpose and is unpretentious.
However, by my humble opinion and experience, these two words sound rather curt and lack any empathy. Simply mentioning ‘Resignation Letter’ or similar words would lead me to an impression that a jobseeker was facing termination and hence chose to resign.
The best example of a resignation letter subject that I ever came across was in altogether in a different form. It simply said “Thanks for Every Opportunity to Develop Career”.
Obviously, this would sound more letter expressing gratitude. For an untrained eye or brain, the title would sound misleading.
But think again and read between the lines. No employee says thanks without reason. And a subject like that prompts the manager to read further and find the employee is subtly speaking about the resignation.

Job Title

This is another extremely important element of your resignation letter format. State the position or job title you’re holding while resigning. Most people tend to forget this.
They take for granted that HR departments are aware of their post. Yes, they are. But what about the next and future employers? Therefore, it’s very important to mention the position you’re holding on your resignation letter.
It’s a record that you held a position at the time of leaving the job and weren’t demoted or had to work at any other capacity.

How to Write a Resignation Letter (with Format & Samples)

Over several years of service at various levels, including top management, I’ve been through countless resignation letters. And I’ve submitted a handful of job resignation letter myself for various reasons.

With some confidence I’ll say, writing or handing over a resign letter is never a happy occasion. As employee moving to greener pastures, you may have reasons to rejoice.

Or as worker facing a loss of job for some reason, you would definitely be grieving. Whatever your condition or circumstances, writing and handing over a job resign letter is a very tough task.

Furthermore, I’ll also add that a resignation letter is a very important document for your career as well. It speaks a lot about your personality. Indeed, it can also impact your future jobs.

resignation letter

Why? Here’re the reasons.

Importance of Resignation Letter
In purely generic terms, the best resignation letter signifies the end of your relationship as an employee with an employer. And like any relationships in life, there’re no happy endings.

In such situations, a resign letter can serve to reduce or eliminate bitterness or anger that may exist or arise between an employer and yourself.

Though you may have been an excellent employee and your employer happy with your work, resignation changes it all. Consciously or subconsciously, it leaves a sense of guilt among both.

An employee feels guilty about leaving a workplace that brought them to a position to get a better job. The employer feels guilty for inability to retain your services for the organization.

Furthermore, a prospective or new employer would demand to see your resign letter and know its contents.

A resignation letter sample with three to five sentences would have sufficed to leave a job. But when a new or prospective employer reads that resign letter, they would be able to find your personality traits.

When you sever a relationship with an employer, it’s important to exit with goodwill. Who knows? You may have to seek a job once again with the employer.

Or your dues could be pending with a past employer. Or you might require an experience letter and excellent references.

There are several more subtle points on why a resign letter is a very important document for your career. We’ll discuss that as we go along through this article.

But first, let’s start with the basics about how to write the best resignation letter. You will find the resignation

Basics of Job Resignation Letter
As with any letter, it’s customary to mention certain details on your resignation too.

Full name or expanded initials.
Contact Address.
Phone number.
Email ID.
All these appear on top of your job resign letter and are equally important. Your full name or expanded initials would be useful to avail services from any government agency or bank.

Contact address, phone number, and email ID is vital, should the employer need you for any issues relating with handing over of charge or to process your dues.

And above all, the date is the single most important element of your resignation letter. Because it clearly indicates whether you’re leaving without notice and duration of the notice period.

Often, new employers will ask to see your resignation letter only to check the date and notice period.

As a result, a resignation letter also serves as the record of your employment and its end with a particular company or employer.

Additionally, a resignation letter date has several more uses. It can prove useful while claiming Provident Fund or bank purposes and legal cases, if any.

Importance of Passion

Importance of Passion
When you dedicate all energies towards doing something, your life becomes purposeful. This translates as stress-free work and exponentially higher productivity.

This in turn leads to prosperity and overall, a happy lifestyle that brings excellent social, professional, financial and personal status.

And when we neglect following our passion, the consequences can be disastrous. We usually end up choosing a career or profession that we’re not interested in to begin with.

After spending considerable time, effort and money on studies, we take jobs that we find dull, dry, drab and mundane. We work because we have no and not because it gives us pleasure.

All these problems are avoidable. If you find your passion and act upon it. How to find your passion in life? I’ll provide some simple steps to follow.

How to find your Passion?
The world is full of successful as well as unsuccessful people. Usually, we measure success in terms of money and assets a person owns and their social status.

However, my definition of success is very different. Personally, I define success as being happy with what you do and content with what you have. And that happiness comes when you know your passion.

Step-1: Identify Your Innate Skills
Identifying your innate skills is the first step to find your passion in life. Innate skills, also known as inborn skills or intrinsic skills are those which you possess since childhood.

For example, a child may be an excellent singer without any training. Or could be adept at some sport without the assistance of a coach. How does one explain this talent?

These talents are what is largely known as innate or inborn skills. You were born with that specific talent. It is usually these innate skills that further develop as your passion.

Simply, because you don’t require any external training or motivation to do something. It comes automatically.

Trying to identify innate or inborn skills requires some effort. You’ll have to walk down memory lane and find what you would enjoy the most and found easy to do.

This fits into the above description of passion- love doing something. You can do this exercise at any time of your life.

Step-2: Find Where You’re Heading
Usually, you’ll start feeling uncomfortable when you begin studying for some course that doesn’t meet your passion. You might be studying at a very prestigious engineering college or medical colleges.

You would have put in extra efforts to get admission to these reputed institutes. But when you begin the course, you’ll start feeling dissatisfied.

This usually occurs when you’re not following your passion. And it’s a wake-up call asking you to discover your passion and follow it.

At this point, think about what career you would prefer and why. Ask yourself why you’re doing a course that you don’t like at all. Most likely, it’s prestige that sent you to do the course.

Or some fake belief that you would prosper in that field. But if you’re unhappy studying, you’ll be unhappier working. Therefore, it’s better to find something that attracts you and find a course that suits your passions rather than prolonging your journey on the wrong track.

 Step-3: Find Where You Stand Now
Yes, that’s right. Find where you stand now in your life. Are you genuinely happy at the position you’re standing? Or do you have that nagging unhappiness lurking somewhere in the subconscious mind.

Do you believe you would be better off at some other job, though the pay could have been lesser? If this is indeed the case, it is high time to know your passion and start following it immediately.

If you sense that unhappiness, you’ve yet to discover your passion. At such a point, think of what you would have liked to do in your life. It could be anything that you’re passionate about.

The next thing is to find how you could earn money from your hobby or passion. Definitely, there’re numerous ways to do that. And third, find what it takes to invest and start own venture that closely matches your passion and current profession.

Doing so can help you start an excellent side business and earn extra income. Since you already hold a job, regular income wouldn’t be a problem. However, you can identify a passion to use for setting up a home-based business or even consultancy.

Wrap Up

Wrap Up

Finding your passion can prove rather difficult as we progress along with our career, despite being unhappy. Education and financial needs usually dim that passion which we have.
One of the ways to rekindle passion is by finding your childhood hobby or what you would enjoy in those formative years. That would lead to finding your innate passions and skills.
The thumb rule is that never allow your passion to go waste. If possible, you can do a complete career U-turn even at a later stage in life.

How to find your Passion?

How to find your Passion?

The world is full of successful as well as unsuccessful people. Usually, we measure success in terms of money and assets a person owns and their social status.
However, my definition of success is very different. Personally, I define success as being happy with what you do and content with what you have. And that happiness comes when you know your passion.

Step-1: Identify Your Innate Skills

Identifying your innate skills is the first step to find your passion in life. Innate skills, also known as inborn skills or intrinsic skills are those which you possess since childhood.
For example, a child may be an excellent singer without any training. Or could be adept at some sport without the assistance of a coach. How does one explain this talent?
These talents are what is largely known as innate or inborn skills. You were born with that specific talent. It is usually these innate skills that further develop as your passion.
Simply, because you don’t require any external training or motivation to do something. It comes automatically.
Trying to identify innate or inborn skills requires some effort. You’ll have to walk down memory lane and find what you would enjoy the most and found easy to do.
This fits into the above description of passion- love doing something. You can do this exercise at any time of your life.

Step-2: Find Where You’re Heading

Usually, you’ll start feeling uncomfortable when you begin studying for some course that doesn’t meet your passion. You might be studying at a very prestigious engineering college or medical colleges.
You would have put in extra efforts to get admission to these reputed institutes. But when you begin the course, you’ll start feeling dissatisfied.
This usually occurs when you’re not following your passion. And it’s a wake-up call asking you to discover your passion and follow it.
At this point, think about what career you would prefer and why. Ask yourself why you’re doing a course that you don’t like at all. Most likely, it’s prestige that sent you to do the course.
Or some fake belief that you would prosper in that field. But if you’re unhappy studying, you’ll be unhappier working. Therefore, it’s better to find something that attracts you and find a course that suits your passions rather than prolonging your journey on the wrong track.

 Step-3: Find Where You Stand Now

Yes, that’s right. Find where you stand now in your life. Are you genuinely happy at the position you’re standing? Or do you have that nagging unhappiness lurking somewhere in the subconscious mind.
Do you believe you would be better off at some other job, though the pay could have been lesser? If this is indeed the case, it is high time to know your passion and start following it immediately.
If you sense that unhappiness, you’ve yet to discover your passion. At such a point, think of what you would have liked to do in your life. It could be anything that you’re passionate about.
The next thing is to find how you could earn money from your hobby or passion. Definitely, there’re numerous ways to do that. And third, find what it takes to invest and start own venture that closely matches your passion and current profession.
Doing so can help you start an excellent side business and earn extra income. Since you already hold a job, regular income wouldn’t be a problem. However, you can identify a passion to use for setting up a home-based business or even consultancy.